Living with Parkinson’s Disease: Coping strategies and support resources

Living with Parkinson’s Disease: Coping Strategies, Emotional Support, Caregiver Support, Technology, and Accessibility


Living with Parkinson’s disease can be challenging, not just for the individual diagnosed with the disease, but also for their loved ones. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement, and it can be difficult to manage. There is currently no cure for Parkinson’s disease, but there are a variety of coping strategies and resources available to help individuals and their loved ones manage and adjust to life with the disease.

Coping Strategies:

Several coping strategies recommended for individuals living with Parkinson’s disease can effectively help maintain mobility and manage daily activities. In general, engaging in regular exercise, physical therapy, and proper medication management can help alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Exercise routines should include a combination of stretching, aerobic and resistance training. It is always good to seek advice from a doctor, a physiotherapist, or a specialized personal trainer before beginning or later changing the exercise regime.Understanding Parkinson’s Disease: A Comprehensive Guide Parkinson’s Disease: Understanding The Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Management

It is also important to develop strategies that can help manage the specific symptoms of Parkinson’s, like tremors, balance problems, and fatigue. Tips such as taking short breaks while engaging in physical activities or choosing exercises that are gentle and low-impact can help Parkinson’s individuals manage their symptoms. Additionally, scheduling regular rest periods, staying hydrated, and maintaining good nutrition can be included in the daily routine for an overall betterment.

Emotional Support:

Living with a chronic disease like Parkinson’s disease can be challenging and can often lead to emotional distress. Seeking emotional support can play a crucial role in managing the emotional effects of Parkinson’s disease. There are local and national support groups available to provide assistance to individuals living with Parkinson’s disease or their loved ones. Support groups can provide a network of people who are going through similar experiences that can help an individual feeling less alone or misunderstood. Also, a psychiatrist, psychologist or mental health counselor can help using techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to manage stress and anxiety related to the disease.

Caregiver Support:

Parkinson’s disease can be a distressing experience not only for the individual diagnosed with the disease but also for their caregivers. It is crucial for caregivers to seek support and resources to cope with the challenges of caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s disease. Caregiver support services can help them manage their responsibilities, while support groups can provide a network of people who understand the challenges involved. Some caregiver support services offer respite care where they can arrange short-term relief care, giving the caregiver some downtime to take a break, attend their appointments, or other personal commitments.

Technology and Accessibility:

Living with Parkinson’s disease can affect many aspects of daily life, from mobility to communication. There are different types of technologies available to make daily life easier for individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Adaptive technology such as a lift chair, toilet risers, or grab bars can increase security at home, which is also good to ensure that the person stays well as long as possible. Voice-activated devices such as Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant can also help with daily functions, like turning off lights or playing music.

Additionally, applications (apps) can help individuals with Parkinson’s disease to practice balance and coordination exercises at home effectively. Apps like Nymbl or BrainHQ can be used for recreation and exercise, while apps like HUMM can remind the individual to breathe deeply in moments of stress. Many other apps exist to help with tremor management, voice control, and medication tracking.


Living with Parkinson’s disease can be a challenging experience, but there are several coping strategies, emotional-support tools, caregiver resources, and assistive technologies available to help individuals and their loved ones better manage the disease. It is important to be proactive and seek the appropriate help and resources available. By reaching out, individuals with Parkinson’s disease and their loved ones can live a fuller and healthier life. Supporting organizations and websites like the National Parkinson’s Foundation, the Michael J. Fox Foundation, and APDA are some resources available in providing educational information and support services.